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This color postcard is another photo from apparently the 1960s. The caption on the back reads:

View from front entrance of Federal Hill, known to thousands of visitors all over the world as "My Old Kentucky Home," was built in 1795 by Judge John Rowan. This lovely old mansion is open to visitors the year 'round. In 1852, while a guest here, Stephen Foster, a relative of the Rowans, was inspired to write the immortal song, "My Old Kentucky Home."

The hallway looks a little different today. A restoration killed the wallpapers, but the furnishings are still there. The grandfather clock is still on the same landing as shown (or it was the last time I visited). A couple of the items in the hallway were moved, though the couch on the left and the hallway table on the right were both on the left side of the hall the last time I was there.

If you notice the door at the rear of the hall, you'll see it is extra wide. It's known as a "coffin door." It was wide enough to get a coffin through. The screen door at the back entrance disappeared some years ago. Federal Hill is now air-conditioned, so there's little need for a screen door. The rear wooden entrance door is original as far as I heard, and was solid as a rock.

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